Monday, October 10, 2011


It's quite hard and unpleasant stuff to remember what happened over the last 6 month. It's boring and nobody is really interested in old fairy tales. So i think i'll post some nice pictures taken with my beloved s95 camera. 
Without any special order, just from a photo stack, and I'll try to comment the most interesting ones. 
Hope you will enjoy a little journey to Sverige as it was seen by my eyes after a huge leap of 3'700km from Siberia Syberia to Scandinavia.
As for the present moment -  what can i say?..:) i'm very happy to have a chance to live in this lovely country, with all its beauty, kindness, a bit of stupidity and new experience, great people and nature. I will always remember the smell of the air of Scandinavia when i first went out from the plane, it was amazing and the sky was so clean that you were able to see the depth blue of inner space above.
Now I'm doing my phd at Karolinska Institutet, working in Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research and happy with my life.  It's actually a kind of good mental practice at the moments when you complain about your life. Just try to remember what you have and imagine that you might have it not. After this the world will blossom at once, i tell you:)

Enjoy the travel!


  1. Yo, Antonio!!!
    Я невероятно рада, что ты оказался в таком славном месте!!! Хоть прзябание в Сибири издавна было уделом великих (вспомним хотя бы Сашу Пушкина), это все дела давно минувших дней; молодые таланты должны жить и работать в лучших уголках мира!
    Держи нас в курсе твоих новостей!!!

  2. да какие там таланты)) и здесь тоже прозябнуть запросто, север
