Hej, Monday starts.
Matti, education supervisor at KI, suggested me today to join the examination of medical students. All I had to do was just a supplementary role of providing students with a paper, answer their questions and watching them if they cheat on the exam.
I came at half-past-eight at Skrivsalen (eng. "Writing Hall"). To say that i was impressed means to say nothing. It was outstanding, i've never seen anything like this before. And it happened to be that all examination procedures are so in Sweden.
Now i'm afraid about myself.
Cause I will have couple of exams too.
Took some pics on iphone.
160 persons r examinated at once. You r not allowed to take ANYTHING with you (except of coffee thermos flask or snuff tobacco) and use ANYTHING except of pen and paper. Yellow form is just check-in, white ones - the tests themselves. 30 questions, 3 essay questions. The spirit of totalitarian government was in the air. | | |
Matti's introduction. Basically - to scare students to death. As he told me, it was their first exam after school. |
Cheating at the exam in socialistic Sweden is a governmental crime. You r considered to be an embezzler of public money, as if you r stealing them. If you r caught cheating, the case goes straightly to President of University and in Ministry of Education. The sentence - you are expelled from university |
While students were writing, i was thinking that if the same rules applied for me when i was studying at NSU in Novosibirsk, i would be expelled from university approximately 25-30 times.
It was total shit for me and Stephen and Vanessa when people started to hand over their tests. Most of them finished after one hour, and it was a great rush to be able to take their papers, put a mark about it in the list and put test in proper folder. |
Here u go, the test itself, for the "Ägg till embryo" (eng. "From egg to embryo"). Quite all right though, some questions are very specific. But some r very stupid, for example "From where the transcription starts? a) Telomere, b) Promoter, c) Attenuator, d) Enhancer" |
And here is the fucker! Everyone left at 11 - 11:15, and he was sitting there ALONE up to the very end of exam, 12-00!!! Of course we had to wait for him, otherwise we could escape this torture almost one hour before! |
160 человек? Черт, это же (censored)!
ReplyDelete"i would be expelled from university approximately 25-30 times." а меня, походу, больше.
кстати, там на последней фотке видны какие-то мостики наверху. По ним во время экзамена вооруженные люди в масках ходят?
А студенты там друг друга закладывают?)
ReplyDeleteА вообще-то это жесть какая-то получается, я бы там точно не доучилась)
Ромычу: мостики потому что экзамен проводился в помещении спортивного зала. НО! Так видимо происходит всегда и спортивный зал С ЭТИМ УЧЕТОМ И СТРОИЛСЯ, потому что на полу отмечены линиями расположение столов. Как мне рассказала Vanessa, расстояние между столами равно 1,5м и оптимально для того, чтобы ничего не было видно у соседа и нельзя было списать.
ReplyDeleteСоне: как Павлик Морозов, да?:) типа "а ты не вякай, старая, а то и тебя сдам!" :)) кстати павлик морозов по-шведски будет наверное типа Paul Kylsson
и мне писец как страшно экзамен там сдавать! Я ж без шпор только эмбриологию сдал.