Hope u enjoy the pics from marvelous city of Paris. When it comes to my impressions about this trip, in which my relatives, friends, my beloved and all of you, i guess, are interested - well, it can't be described in two words. Complex impression, not abused with optimism or pessimism. Just the truth which i saw, the world as a reflection in traveler's eyes.

I hope u will enjoy the poem itself, it'll make u look on Paris from the other point of view:) looking forward for ur comments:)
La Rue de la Merde
On the way to "Darkest" hotel
From the start all start to vomit.
Strangest headache came in my head,
Watch rotating traffic jam wheels.
Sky is empty as grey nazism,
Streets are crowded with people.
I'll avoid the dying sunshine,
I will try to live the night life.
Do you know the smell of piss?
You should visit streets of France,
Where the rivers flow straight through it,
Where the ugly smells in air dance.
You are not rich. You are not poor.
You shall never find your own place
In the Paris, lead by strict rule:
"All poor men are fucked by rich's mace"
I was walking on so long routes,
Covered by the midnight shadows,
I saw woe and cry of poorest,
I saw glamor of the richest.
I don't know why people tell you
When you're gonna visit Paris:
"Oh, so charming! It's the best of
All the cities on the planet!"
Don't believe the foolish gossips,
Tell them: "Have you ever been to
City of forever lost hopes,
Capital of forfeited wisdom?"
When you travel through the night
You are looking for three words.
When no people are around
Where EQUALITY has gone?
In the world down under moonlight
Why FRATERNITY was vanished?
Now I know: that reek has come from
Corpse of LIBERTY abolished.
These three words are now in cement,
In the stone of giant statues
Which were built in long past ages
As a guardians of Future.
These three words were quietly whispered
From their stone forever dead lips.
Marble eyes are looking on me,
Telling me: "You've lost your last chance"
Suddenly i start to scream,
I woke up. No sound around.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Was it a dream?
And described has never come?
Window. View. I realize
That my dream has never gone.
Down there poor man death was shined
By the capitalism dawn.
Paris, 07-11.11.11.
Oh, after reading this poem I guess I can answer my question from the previous post myself.
ReplyDeleteSo, after all living in Russia is not so damn fucking, hm?;)
Dear Rinata! U look almost like Cleopatra with this haircut! Amazing! Astonishing! Charming! Thank u, Rinata, for being constant reader of SSyndrome) i'm very happy)
ReplyDeleteYeah, u r right, life in Russia is no so fucking. It has just the same grade of "fuckingness" as other countires do. Something is better, something is worse. The only thing i like is that we have a right of choice at least. So choose it right))
Oh, actually this pic was taken about four years ago, but anyway thank you! It's so so so pleasant to hear such words from you! I wonder if you could say something like that about a bubble-like woman with a 7-months bump and boyish haircut:))
ReplyDeleteAnd I must confess it's a big honor for me to be one of your blog's readers. Frankly speaking I've always been your fan. No, not fan - but FAN! Yep!:) so I'm gonna be your constant reader unless you ban me! Wahaha:)
And as for living in Russia. I like my life here but there's one thing that really drives me crazy. Thet situation with young scientists and university students is critically incredibly shameful. No scholarships, no dorms... No wonder everybody dreams of moving their asses to Europe/US. And I am really glad you didn't miss your Chance.
ReplyDeleteWell, Rinata, basically i think that the human being is different from other material world only because of one reason - he is able to choose. This power is a driving force of our life and progression (or regression :). That's also the only one instrument to make changes in your life and destiny. No other things you can do. Nor create something from ether, nor destroy it. You can only choose the direction of life process. But that is enough to be happy) it's a powerful force. So everything is in our hands. What we will choose - this we will get:)
ReplyDeleteWell, Anton, your humanism is really worth applausing:) and it reminds me of Richard Dawkins's views and his funny book Selfish Gene.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree that we get what we choose. The funniest thing is that human behavior is almost 99% instinctive, undeliberate. And the point is: how crucial sometimes 1% is:)
And finally I must add that in my point of view human being is different from other material world in that way that human being is not so material:) yep, it seems like I do believe in a substance named soul. I find Carl Jung's and Stanislav Grof's discoveries really amazing.